Gym Vibes with MyStryde

Luke Barosky MyStryde mural South Boston workout.png

When MyStryde reached out to me, I was excited for the opportunity to work with a local, women-owned business - in my neighborhood of South Boston nonetheless!

At the time, I had been playing around with a new technique involving infrared spray paint. Infrared paint changes color and achieves a glowing effect under certain lighting environments. Because the MyStryde gym featured dark rooms and blacklight, the conditions for infrared paint were perfect.

MyStryde wanted something edgy and representative of Southie; so we agreed to try out the infrared and feature a large “Southie” logo.

Because of some tricky limitations with branding and physical space, coordinating infrared touches with the overall piece required an iterative approach. After a series of meetings and idea swapping, we successfully came up with a brand-friendly color palette that worked with both the temperamental infrared paint and our overall visions.

You can catch this mural and say hi to the women of MyStryde any day of the week at 850 Summer St, Boston, MA 02127.


Public Art & Paintboxes